Our cheap table miserably fails the
Four Weim Pyramid Formation test

Grey Ghost Farm

Scott's Work

Stacy's Work
Graphic Design

The Family!

& Ex-Racers
Weim Links

© 2007 Grey Ghost Farm
Some imagery courtesy of www.morguefile.com, the BEST FREE PHOTOS on the web!
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Paying homage to the Grey Ghost's sense of humor
As I was getting this section ready to post, we came home to find
our table flattened. We just stood there, mystified. I had to laugh
at that point... it looked like the aftermath of a Hollywood barfight.
So, continuing on in Weim tradition, I wanted to share these stories.

Scott likes to take the dogs with him to go get coffee. The girls fuss over them and they each get a treat. Dutchess decided one morning that one treat wasn't enough. As Scott bent down to grab some change out of the ashtray, she made a break for it... out Scott's window and through the drive-through window. Yup, you read it right. Scott looked up just as her tail disappeared below the counter. He quickly pulled the station wagon ahead, slammed it into park and ran inside. One girl was nervously hovering over Dutchy. Scott called to her... and she turned towards him, her face a white beard of powdered jelly doughnut...

I was driving one morning with Rufus and Max, to take them to a vet appointment. My low coolant light blinked on, so I had to pull over. Thinking more about the traffic rushing by, I slipped quickly out the door. I peeked under the hood and went to get back in. Rufus was standing in my window, watching. As I pulled the door handle, I realized that he had pushed the manual lock down. Panic set in—everything, including my phone, was now locked inside the car. Thankfully, I saw help across the highway—a state trooper was just finishing up giving someone a ticket. I waved my arms frantically, hoping he'd notice. He did. "What seems to be the problem?". Hmm. Well, locking your keys in the car is one thing. Being locked out of your car by your dog, and then having to admit it... *sigh*...